Wow, I’m so tired. Graeme is putting the kids to bed so I sat down to write this post because I have all the photos for it, but now all I can think about is how sore my butt is from that YouTube workout we did yesterday and how maybe going to the park this morning and then for a terrible walk in the afternoon was a bad idea.
This is how you can tell I am an awful blogger, because I just started off what is meant to be a cute post with a mention of my butt. My legs also hurt. Also, I just accidentally threw one of my slippers in the trash can under the desk. Graeme walked by and said “Hehe, shoe trash.” Which made me realize our last name could be a lot worse.
Hmm. Maybe I AM a good blogger, because we all know you have to skip a whole bunch of word garbage before getting to the recipe you really need that’s at the bottom of the page. In that case, you are welcome. This is a good quality blog post.
Okay, now it’s about to get real cute up in here.

I put ABC Mouse on for the kids yesterday and took some photos of Grace’s room. For extra cuteness I hung up this little Mexican number we got her last year in Puerto Vallarta. A button fell off almost immediately after buying it because, you know…we got it in Puerto Vallarta.
I put the dress away, meaning to sew the button back on (lol), so she hadn’t seen it in a while, and halfway through the photo shoot, she came in, took her clothes off, and helped herself to the “Pweety Dwess.”
Another special pweety thing in her room is this little house shelf we made when Forest was a tiny guy. Now, at five years old he’s practically an adult and doesn’t need it anymore. He is far too mature for these types of things. For example, today Graeme asked him to shut the door and Forest replied,
“I shall, my lad.”

What is the opposite of hoarding disorder? Because I think I have that.
My husband and children tremble when they see me roaming the house with a wild look in my eyes and an empty cardboard box in hand. I MUST DOWNSIZE. Always.
Which means we only have REALLY GOOD TOYS, and it also means cleaning up isn’t awful because we don’t have a hundred categories of toys.
One of the best things I did in the kids’ rooms was getting rid of deep baskets because they never played with any of the stuff at the bottom, only dumped it out occasionally, and sometimes an old grape came out.

Now, in Grace’s room, she has:
– This set of classic wooden blocks. Both kids love these.
– This classic pink baby doll stroller that reminds me of my childhood.
– A pink shopping cart, much like this one
– This cash register with a functioning microphone thingy. Very cool.
– This classic wooden shape sorter
– A few purses hanging from this tiny peg rack Graeme made.
– This little flower building game that keeps her entertained for very long, wonderful periods of time.

She also has this pastel-colored play kitchen from the nineties that I almost painted to make it look a little cooler, but then decided to leave it because meh, she likes it and I am obviously not committed enough to blogging. Someone asked me recently if I’ve considered vlogging and a little bit of tea went up my nose. I mean, seriously…
I haven’t posted anything on Instagram in over a year. I am a free woman now.
Look at me, putting an outdated play kitchen photo all over your screen. I just don’t care anymore. It’s great. I did tidy up, but you can tell this wasn’t staged just from looking at the socks, which match the rug, I guess.
By the way, this is a Safavieh rug and wasn’t very expensive.

Oh, she found the dress.
I really should have brought it out sooner because now that blue button is looking a little menacing. Now if it pops it will be due to the dimensions of the belly and not the quality of the garment…
If there is a little person in your life, these stackable flowers are a great gift. So good I have kept them! Grace loves playing with her plastic garden and she builds quietly and contentedly for a long time, like a full ten minutes, which is really long when you are a mom and have very, very low standards.

I snatched one of these little peg racks from Graeme’s shop, and it has been great for hanging tiny purses and those awful dollar store necklaces little kids enjoy so thoroughly…
We have longer peg racks in this same style and color in the bathroom and hallway. I love the look and they are very useful! These are very popular in the shop and you can get one for your own donut purse HERE!

I am an old lady at heart and a little bit at hair, so I love antiques. This basket used to be in Graeme’s grandparent’s house and it’s a special favorite. And hey, this wasn’t staged either! Grace got tired of ABC Mouse, came over, stole the dress, and knocked some blocks around.
Forest didn’t get tired of ABC Mouse, however, and informed me later in the day that “Willy Wonka’s place is in the Gulf of Mexico, by the Nile River.” What a great educational resource, ABC Mouse.
But hey, it’s better than Caillou, right?? RIGHT? I’ve never seen it but I hear it’s the worst thing that’s happened to children since Red Dye 40.

Speaking of antiques, this old doll crib is one of my favorite things in the house. It was a little hard to let it go, but our landlady, who is also a sweet friend, finally decided to part with it.
It used to be her daughters’ play crib. The first little girls to ever play with it have teenaged kids now! So I love the story behind it, and I love the design. If you’re looking for something similar, I often find beautiful doll cribs at antique shops.
Little sheep never makes it to the Goodwill box either because he also has a special story. We got him in Ireland, that time we were crazy and went with Forest, who was a year old at the time, and not at all happy with our traveling choices…but you know, memories.
You can read about our youthful adventures in Ireland over HERE.

Grace very thoughtfully replaced the hanger with her red dress now on it.
Thank you, Chica.
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