Graeme is really weird. If he updated his resume, it would read more like a shopping center map. He’s flipped houses, built canoes, knows all about cars and how to fix them, ran an accounting business, took up quilting and opened a furniture shop.
He also figured out html code for this blog (what, how), built a medieval trebuchet for launching pumpkins (what, why), made a really cool dinosaur fondant cake for Forest’s birthday, and now he’s made me a dress. Of course.
Graeme can casually build a siege engine during the day and sew a dress for his lady friend in the evening.

Sorry, ladies, he is not taking on any orders seeing as he is a busy carpenter and only a dressmaker on occasion. Besides, the wait time is about two years. He took my measurements before I got pregnant, and the dress was finally done shortly before Cookie’s second birthday party! I wasn’t in a hurry.
It really didn’t take long to make. He just took a long break from sewing because he is a busy fellow, and I had a big round belly for a long time, so the dress was abandoned for a while.
But my big belly went away (for the most part; it still sticks out a little in the evenings and during the holidays), so he finally finished the dress! Isn’t it beautiful?

My 20-year-old nephew was very impressed when I tried it on. He kept asking things like, did he really make it? Graeme made this? Like with fabric? A big piece of fabric? This used to be nothing?
Actually, no, this used to be an old sheet. If the print looks familiar it’s probably because it matches your grandma’s pillow covers. Graeme figured he’d practice on an old sheet since he’d probably mess it up anyway.
But then it turned out really cute, so now I wear your grandma’s fitted sheet to church.
Look at me, casually reading in my bit of duvet cover. Gives bed skirt a whole new meaning, really. Also, this was definitely the best photo taken that day:

People always ask me how come Graeme is so good at such a wide variety of things, and I have no idea. But it’s very fun. If he ever filled out a job application, under “Personal Interests” he would write “Yes”.
One of the best parts about homeschooling AND Graeme being self-employed is that Forest gets to spend a lot of time with him and I can already see him turning into a small Graeme in many ways. Our plan to raise a weird homeschooler is coming along well.
Forest and Graeme both:
– Love building things in the shop
– Memorize Bible verses together
– Open doors for ladies
– Compliment people when they look nice
– Wash dishes and do laundry without supervision
– Carry groceries in for me without being asked
– Sneak creepily into other people’s photos

So there you have it.
This manly, hairy carpenter who casually gouges inch-long splinters out of his hands also sews dresses.
Now you know him a little better.

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